Title: The Glass Magician
Author: Charlie N. Holmberg
Publisher: 47North
Release Date: November 4th 2014 by 47North
Pages: 222
ISBN: 1477825940
Three months after returning Magician Emery Thane’s heart to his body, Ceony Twill is well on her way to becoming a Folder. Unfortunately, not all of Ceony’s thoughts have been focused on paper magic. Though she was promised romance by a fortuity box, Ceony still hasn’t broken the teacher student barrier with Emery, despite their growing closeness.
When a magician with a penchant for revenge believes that Ceony possesses a secret, he vows to discover it…even if it tears apart the very fabric of their magical world. After a series of attacks target Ceony and catch those she holds most dear in the crossfire, Ceony knows she must find the true limits of her powers…and keep her knowledge from falling into wayward hands.
- GoodReads
In the first book, we left Ceony still crushing on Emery (insert heart eyes emoji here). In the beginning of the second book, we're kind of in the same place. She likes him, we think he likes her... but he is being a little hard to read. Ceony saved Emery in book one by using some strange magic, and now people are questioning how she did it. This is not a secret she really wants to tell people, but someone is willing to do whatever it takes to figure out her secret.
Ceony is a little less predictable in this book and she makes some questionable decisions. She puts people she cares about at risk and is a little immature when it comes to her relationship with Emery. I'll be honest, she got on my nerves a little in this book. I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her every now and then. I also wanted to do this shaking maneuver with Emery... Can't you see she likes you!?
There is a little more action and less memory back-tracking in his book, and I liked that. It was a quick and fun read and I look forward to the next one. I would definitely recommend this book series to a friend!
*Rating 4/5
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