The Blonde Bookworm: #FollowFriday


Friday, January 29, 2016

Follow Friday is a new weekly post I am starting to encourage everyone to explore the world of blogging and bookstagram. I have had so much fun over the past week getting to know this community and I want to keep that up!

So here's how this works... I'll introduce a new blog, instagrammer, or author every week that I've really been enjoying. All you have to do is check them out! Give them a follow, give them a like or two, or heck... just explore their feed or blog a little. If you feel up to it, post their info here in a comment so I can check them out too!

So, without further adieu... My first #FollowFriday is the lovely Miss Sandra the Bookworm! She has a fantastic blog with reviews, book suggestions, and author interviews. She also is hosting a great book read-a-long that I encourage you to join! You can find her blog here and her instagram here (@sandrathebookworm).

Well there it is y'all, my first Follow Friday! Be sure to check back every week for new folks to check out. And don't forget to post who you think I should check out! Happy Following!

- The Blonde Bookworm


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