Title: The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik
Author: David Arnold
Publishing: May 22nd 2018 by Viking Children's
Pages: 432
ISBN: 0425288862
Synopsis: This is Noah Oakman → sixteen, Bowie believer, concise historian, disillusioned swimmer, son, brother, friend.
Then Noah → gets hypnotized.
Now Noah → sees changes—inexplicable scars, odd behaviors, rewritten histories—in all those around him. All except his Strange Fascinations . . .
About the Author:
David Arnold lives in Lexington, Kentucky, with his (lovely) wife and (boisterous) son. He is the New York Times bestselling author of Kids of Appetite and Mosquitoland, and his books have been translated into a dozen languages.
I went into this novel totally open minded, because it's David Arnold right?! I always know his writing will be good, but I never want to expect a certain thing from him because it will almost always be totally not what I expected at all. Just like his writing style, The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik was totally quirky and brilliant. I loved every second of this novel and kept finding myself restarting from the beginning of a page just to have another second with the brilliant characters.
So I know Noah is the main character -- and I loved him, but can we take a minute to talk about the other incredible characters in this novel? Like Penny! Oh my gosh how I loved Penny. For an 8th grader, she had so much spunk and charm and I just couldn't get enough of her! I also really enjoyed Alan and all of the other crazy characters that Noah engages with throughout his journey.
I could go on and on about this novel, but I really just want you to go ahead and read it! The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik is charming, enlightening, and down right funny! I am totally in love with this book and I want to just keep reading it over and over. Thank you to Viking and Penguin Teen for sending me a copy of this novel in exchange for and honest review.
Rating 4/5
So I know Noah is the main character -- and I loved him, but can we take a minute to talk about the other incredible characters in this novel? Like Penny! Oh my gosh how I loved Penny. For an 8th grader, she had so much spunk and charm and I just couldn't get enough of her! I also really enjoyed Alan and all of the other crazy characters that Noah engages with throughout his journey.
I could go on and on about this novel, but I really just want you to go ahead and read it! The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik is charming, enlightening, and down right funny! I am totally in love with this book and I want to just keep reading it over and over. Thank you to Viking and Penguin Teen for sending me a copy of this novel in exchange for and honest review.
Rating 4/5
The premise of this novel sounds amazing! I haven't read anything by this author before, but definitely want to now. I also love when a book has great secondary characters! Great review.